Business NH Magazine

Business NH Magazine is one of New Hampshire's leading publications and helps to keep the state informed about everything happening in the local NH business environment. They needed a site that not only allows them to share their reporting but also to help coordinate the business events that they run. The website and Content Management System that we built for them accomplishes both of those goals. 

Their new website started off with a custom web design. The new web design had to be flexible to handle all of the articles that they publish each month.. The design allows for each of their articles and events to work across multiple areas of the site. The goal was to make the site visually appealing but also easy to navigate. Extra attention was also given to making sure the site had lots of visuals that helped showcase their connection to all areas of NH. 

Once the new web design was complete, the CMS was built. The CMS allow them to upload their articles, manage their upcoming NH events and sell prior copies of their magazine. A significant effort was also made to ensure that each page on the site is built to maximize their performance on Google. Their diverse article library allows them to rank high for many different local NH search topics. 

Check out their website by clicking the button below.

Business NH Magazine