The Friends Program
The new site powered by our CMS has been a welcomed improvement from their former site – both in visual appearance and usability. Using a variety of images - both stock and client-supplied, we were able to create a fresh new look that’s pleasing and professional. The layout provides easy access to their six core programs using a variety of navigation elements.
Each program contains lengthy, but well organized content to highlight program details, community and volunteer involvement with a strong call to action – encouraging individual and business support thru volunteerism and financial donations.
One specific request the client made was to use a language translation service for the site - being able to convert all copy to their language of choice. Google previously offered a free service for this, but now requires a subscription fee along with custom configuration in the development.
Custom CMS (Content Management System) Requirements
The new site for CCA is powered by FIREHORSE CMS - our custom-built content management system that we tailor to the specific needs of each website.
In addition to the standard features of our CMS – giving the client the ability to add/edit/delete pages, we developed a custom program manager component – a vital part of the CMS that makes it easy for the client to edit or create new programs for the organization. With the component, program details, information, images, videos can easily be managed and automatically populated to the site.
Since some of their programs involve large amounts of data, we utilized a tabbed box feature to present the info cleanly - one portion (or tab) at a time. This makes it easy for the viewer to access everything without being overwhelmed. The additional pages of the site can be managed by logging into the CMS via any Internet connection – giving them flexibility for their team to manage the site whether at their office locations or elsewhere.
About the Friends Program
The Friends Program works to build positive connections and solutions for at-risk youth, families and seniors. Since 1975, we have been working to inspire confident kids, increase access to stable housing for families, improve food security, improve educational outcomes for youth, enhance resources for healthy aging and leverage the power of volunteers to meet community needs across the state of New Hampshire.